Stefan Brenkus

Motto: “Our personal approach, responsibility for ourselves, our physical and mental health, responsibility for our behaviour towards the environment that surrounds us should be a model for our children and the environment in which we live.”
On my way to personal development, I have met people with different views and perspectives. I am constantly comparing and looking for new information. Technological progress leaves behind the devastation of the environment. Lifestyle changes change our natural genetic abilities. They change our natural priorities and values. We do not realize how our feelings and emotions affect our health. Almost every illness’s primary cause is stress and unresolved emotional conflict, which lasts for a long time.
Today, we come to various studies that show that we can prevent diseases if we understand how the human body works comprehensively. Deviation from the holistic understanding of the human body brings failure in treating chronic and civilized diseases such as: loss of immunity, allergies, diabetes and obesity, indigestion, arthrosis, rheumatism, gout, migraine, degenerative brain damage and others that begin to manifest in old age.
This is only possible if we take responsibility for our own health and invest our time, energy and money. We need to be persistent and disciplined when it comes to our health and not rely on doctors and standard medicine to take care of us. Today’s standards focus more on disease cure than prevention. They do not take into consideration other factors such as overall health and lifestyle.
The quality and composition of individual products are extremely important to us. We try to select the highest quality raw materials that are available for the production of our range. We take extra care when choosing our suppliers. We are a British company – our products are made in the UK unless otherwise stated.
Our products are manufactured from the highest quality raw materials and in accordance with GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) and ISO 9001 standards, which guarantees quality and traceability. Our organic range is Soil Association certified, and we are also FDA registered. We have Kosher approved certificates for many products.
Stefan Brenkus jr.
Quality and Implementation Manager

Motto: “Nature has a cure for all the needs of our health. Therefore, we should not be dependent on harmful synthetic chemicals. With the right approach to our health, we can live a quality and happy life.”