Super acai berries

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A bit about acai Acai berries, previously considered an exotic fruit, have now become a virtual staple in almost every supermarket’s collection of health foods and supplements. No longer the sole preserve of health stores and delis, these nutrient-dense berries … Continued

Fibre for digestion

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What is dietary fibre? Dietary fibre, “bulk” or “roughage” (a complex carbohydrate) is the part of plant-derived foods that can’t be completely broken down by digestive enzymes in the human digestive system. Instead, it travels through the gut largely untouched, … Continued

Meal shakes and protein powders

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Shakes – can they help with weight loss? Tricky meal planning Meal planning, as part of a slimming or ongoing weight management programme, which ensures that you are receiving optimal nutrition and a broad spectrum of vitamins, minerals and other … Continued

Healthy high protein foods

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High protein foods Protein is an essential element (macro-nutrient) in everyone’s diet. It is a component of each and every cell, tissue and organ in the body and it is constantly being broken down and replaced. With that in mind, … Continued

Healthy weight management

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What does weight management mean? For many people, weight loss, slimming, dieting, shaping up (whatever you choose to call it) is a life-long struggle and involves a lot of disappointment, negative body image and, often, worry, feelings of hopelessness and … Continued

Vegetarian and vegan nutrition

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Being a vegetarian Vegetarianism is quite widespread today and is growing in popularity all the time, for a wide range of reasons – ethical, environmental and nutritional, to name just a few. As a result, chances are that (if you … Continued

How does diabetes affect your health?

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What is diabetes? The technical bit Diabetes is a metabolic disorder, where the body is unable to produce or properly use insulin. Insulin is a hormone that is required to convert sugar, starches and other food into energy. The human … Continued